There is the sweet exchange of gestures in tongues. A polite meandering down an old familiar path. But your guest has other plans, slowly revealed to you, through the clever machinations of subtle observation. You see the journey unfolding, you see the reckless means, and you intend to participate in every subtle turning, consequence be damned. Gleeful, reckless abandon. Dancing in a thunderstorm, delighted at the prospect of being struck. And so here is the next adventure. Another new and unexpected journey. Full of delight, and wonder. Stars winking down on you with the gentle ebb of water on the shore. A soundtrack in the backdrop. A trickle of the truth, words you are certain you have never heard before, yet echo like whispers to a time before. The warmth of an embrace, so familiar, so new, such comfort, such rest. With your guest. They find peace at your table. A subtle compliment wrapped in gloomy knowing. And so your guest comes and they take a rest there, with you, under the soft glow of twinkling stars.